Two types of Orgone generators And The strongest orgone generator
Two types of Orgone generators
Although Wilhelm Reich's document on Orgone energy was destroyed. But, the leftover documents still show that Orgone energy is working well. Proof? We try the search engine with the energy keyword Orgone, or the Orgone generator, then we will see a series of articles and products about it. There is a position on Google, which WIkipedia thinks Orgone is a pseudo-science.Once we have the scientific theory of Orgone energy, we can make many different types of Orgone energy machines. Of course, I think it can be easily classified into two categories:
- Orgone energy - by activation energy: Use electrical power
- Orgone energy - by natural energy: the passive system exchanges energy with the environment.
The strongest orgone generator
Remember, an electric-activated Orgone type generator will lack some of the energy in nature. But its advantage is parameter customization (suitable frequency)Orgone energy is a device that harnesses or exchanges background radiant energy. An Orgone box has an empty chamber inside which contains lots of radiation reflected back and forth. In fact it is dielectric reflection in Ether. The background radiation in the universe is infinite, so the strongest Orgone generator is still a passive system.
In particular, with the Orgone generator's background radiation extraction system, scientists have now rediscovered how Wilhelm Reich declared: Electricity can be generated from the Orgone accumulator. See details in the article: Orgone Generator Plans
Also refer to the free energy in Orgone accumulators:
Orgone Generator Generate Electricity:
The Elite thought they have destroyed all the evidence of this device.
What the Elite did not have in sight is surfacing as we speak, on the internet.
This must be a sign from God, that the game is changing. And the shift of power is returning in the hands of the people.
With this information, spreading like wildfire on the internet. The Elite will lose billions of dollars.
Orgone Generator Plans: The most censored free energy device out there
P.S.: This information is being attacked, and soon may be banned.